The following material describes how WPCC should handle the media during any on-site emergency. Any type of event may bring the press to our community college. The fact is that the public is represented by the press. The news media have a legitimate right to information that may concern WPCC’s faculty/staff, and the community. Remember that through the release of factual information by our designated spokesperson, the spread of false information is prevented.
Duties of College Spokesperson
To best serve the interests of the facility, The President, Jim Burnett, will be designated as the spokesperson. The Vice-President for Student Development, will be the backup spokesperson. In case the spokesperson is off campus, the amount of time it will take for him or her to arrive in a reasonable amount of time to “meet the press”, will be considered.
The designated spokesperson should do the following:
- Gather all available information to determine if it is necessary to set up a press headquarters. A press headquarters office can help keep all press people in one area.
- If the incident or disaster occurred at a college facility, set up the press area away from incident area.
- Remain in contact with the press.
- Provide information that is factual.
- Log and record all information given to the media.
- Avoid speculation on causes of events, amount of damage, and seriousness of injuries.
- Never release names of persons to the press. Let law enforcement agencies do so.
- Always stress the positive.
Notifying Relatives of Injured Employees, Contractors, and/or Visitors
When relatives of people injured in an emergency need to be notified, follow these steps:
- Use a previously appointed member of Senior Administration (President, and/or Vice Presidents) to notify the relatives of the injured.
- Determine what occurred, the number of persons injured, and the extent and seriousness of the injuries.
- Determine where the injured were taken.
- Once information is obtained, brief the previously designated member of Senior Administration, and have him or her go to the injured person’s relatives’ homes or workplaces to notify them of the occurrence.
- Always do notifications in person.
Alternate Site Relocation Plan
In the event that an emergency, such as a fire or chemical release, could impact the Emergency Operations Center/Information Center in Lobby of Moore Building, the Director of Crisis Management will designate an Incident Site Command Center that is outside the danger zone.